Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ten Things I've Learned or Relearned in the Past Week or So

Always, always, always wear sunscreen on your face when being out in the Florida sun all day. 

Know that so many people believe in you and your dreams, even if you might doubt yourself at times. 

A lot can change in just a short, memorable weekend with friends. 

Always go on that date. You never know what could happen. And how much fun you might have. 

Never stop planning trips. They will happen someday. 

Strive to learn something new each day, even if it seems silly. 

DIY projects are so much harder and time consuming than they look!

Never let people treat you wrong. They are not worth your time. 

Hard cider on tap makes me oh so happy. 

Always appreciate the here and now. Life is so sweet and good to you. 

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